Title: Opening introduction #1
Filename: credits01.rm
Size: 2.15 MB
Opens with:  Real Player 8
Duration: 00:01:19

Title: Opening introduction #2
Filename: credits02.wmv
Size: 3.03 MB
Opens with:  
Windows Media Player
Duration: 00:01:24

Title: Opening introduction #3
Filename: credits03.wmv
Size: 2.43 MB
Opens with:  
Windows Media Player
Duration: 00:01:24

Title: End credits
Filename: endcredits.wmv
Size: 2.15 MB
Opens with:  
Windows Media Player
Duration: 00:00:44

Title:  Commercial from Greek Alpha tv (Summer 2003) #1
Filename : commercial01.rm
Size: 423 Kb
Opens with: Real Player 8
Duration: 00:00:21


Title:  Commercial from Greek Alpha tv (Summer 2003) #2
Filename : commercial02.rm
Size: 194 Êb
Opens with:  Real Player 8
Duration: 00:00:09


Title:  The first scene of the telenovela
Filename : video01.rm
Size: 4.68 ÌÂ
Opens with: Real Player 8
Duration: 00:04:16


Title:  Pancho remembers his daughter

Filename : video02.rm
Size: 2.69 ÌÂ
Opens with: Real Player 8
Duration: 00:02:27


Title:  Angelica calls Sergio for launch. Marimar asks Padre Pores if he nees her anything
Filename : video03.rm
Size: 2.52 MB
Opens with: Real Player 8
Duration: 00:02:19


Title:  Marimar is stealing food from Santibanez ranch
Filename : video04.rm
Size: 784 ÊÂ
Opens with: Real Player 8
Duration: 00:00:41


Title:  Nicandro realices that Marimar is stealing

Filename : video05.rm
Size: 2.60 ÌÂ
Opens with: Real Player 8
Duration: 00:02:22


Title:  Sergio fights with Nicandro
Filename : video06.rm
Size: 2.78 MB
Opens with: Real Player 8
Duration: 00:02:32


Title:  Sergio talks to Marimar
Filename : video07.rm
Size: 3.28 ÌÂ
Opens with: Real Player 8
Duration: 00:02:58


Title:  Marimar fells in love with Sergio

Filename : video08.rm
Size: 627 KB
Opens with: Real Player 8
Duration: 00:00:59


Title:  Padre Pores meets Marimar and they have a conversation
Filename : video09.rm
Size: 1.60 MB
Opens with: Real Player 8
Duration: 00:01:27